So I've decided to make a running tally of the crappy things that have happened tonight.
* 3:15 pm: guest checks in and was informed we had to change her reservation to a king studio suite from a queen one bedroom suite. she was VERY angry about it, saying she was "guaranteed" this certain room, to which I told her no rooms are guaranteed.
* 4:05 pm: guest checks in and I notice on his reservation that he has a pet. I re-confirm the $75.00 fee for pets, and he says he was never told about it. I am nearly positive, when he called to change his reservation JUST YESTERDAY that I told him about the fee. He lies to my face and told him I never told him that and laughs at me like a parent laughs at his silly child. The AGM waives the fee, basically to be rid of the guest.
*4:45 pm: guests comes back to the desk with a key from a room that was scheduled to leave this morning. i asked him how long he was staying and he said for another week....which overbooks us for tomorrow. sweet.
*5:15 pm: original upset guest (before I got here) comes down and lets us know they'll be leaving early. apologizes at first, saying my agm was "incredibly nice" to him but "the other guy needs to learn customer service" (she was quick to point out it was not me). fifteen minutes later, she comes down and is upset again about the fact her room still smells like smoke, and gives my boss the evil eye, like she'd never apologized.
*6:30 pm: guest checks in with a note on his reservation that he is a vip and he wants a complementary bigger room. we tell him that unfortunately we are sold out, and he throws a tissy fit when told he can't have a bigger room because WE DON'T HAVE ONE.
9:30 pm: Well, the shift ended up not being as bad, but get the idea.
1 comment:
grrr... sometimes I wonder what made me choose to stay in hospitality. Seems there is nothing you can do to make people content. I was walking the mall yesterday when I overheard someone tell his friends "Wait, I wanna ask these Retards at the AT&T booth a question." Then I realize that some people are just plain ignorant, and the damage has already been done. The 'kill em with kindness' rule doesn't always apply, unless you actually kill them, in which case you and I would be mass murderers.
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