September 23, 2008

Embracing My Stripes

I know most of you get this blog directly in your email; occasionally I'll post a little poll that only two of you actually visit but this time I really want you to go to my main internet page.

Go ahead, click here to visit what I really wish everyone could see.

I stumbled across some really kick ass cartoons of Tony the Tiger the way he used to be, not the way he's been basically my entire life. I don't know what it is or why, but I really truly prefer the younger Tiger. I sorta edited the original drawing from this guy named Johnny Yanok (really awesome artist)

Not much else goin' on here in my corner of the world. Had a talk with the boss yesterday that let him know how I feel about everything but that I was ready to move on and leave it all behind. He seemed pretty happy about that. Nothing wrong with letting folks know how you feel.

Been laying around doing nothing the last few days here, haven't really been in the mood to record any music (probably because I feel weird not being able to do anything loud before Robert gets up at 1:30 in the afternoon every day, but thats another story, another day).

Anyway, I hope everyone's doing well and enjoying the first full day of autumn!!!

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